All Orders Dispatched Via Castle Parcels Direct From Our Auckland Warehouse

ZAR & Drylok - Made In USA & Backed By Manufacturer Warranties


Phone: +64 9 476 4490
Freephone: 0800 383 762




US Paint Systems Limited
PO Box 65242, Mairangi Bay
Auckland 0754

cnr 172 Roscommon & 6 Matukutururu Rd
Wiri, Auckland 2104 (for pre-arranged pick-ups only)


Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm

We aim to respond to all queries within a 24 hour period.

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Distributed in New Zealand and Australia by: US Paint Systems Limited. Importers of Eterna-Kote.


Quality products manufactured in USA by United Gilsonite Laboratories (UGL) is a family owned company which has been producing since 1932. They invented America’s first polyurethane coating. UGL have spent decades creating and re-imagining home improvement products to deliver the quality, performance and results that have made their products popular with generations of homeowners and DIY enthusiasts.